Erika’s Lighthouse Legacy Society

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Erika’s Lighthouse is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and raising awareness about adolescent depression, encouraging good mental health and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

October 16-22 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week (NEPAW). Erika’s Lighthouse Legacy Society members are investing in the future of mental health by ensuring schools have access to mental health education for generations to come. Legacy Society members become part of a community of people who are passionate about adolescent mental health. Members are committed to making a difference, and they are inspired by the work that Erika’s Lighthouse is doing. Legacy Society members are invited to learn more about the organization and its work, and also have opportunities to network with other donors who share their passion for helping children and teens with mental health.

Membership to Erika’s Lighthouse Legacy Society is included for all estate gifts totaling over $10,000. Members of Erika’s Lighthouse Legacy Society receive:

  • recognition on the Legacy Society wall at Erika’s Lighthouse offices.
  • special publications and communications.
  • a Certificate of Generosity for your contribution.
  • the opportunity to memorialize a loved one through your support.

There are many reasons why people make planned gifts. Some reasons include:

  • To support a cause they care about. Planned gifts allow people to make a lasting impact on the causes they care about. They can support their favorite charities, create scholarships, or endow programs that will benefit future generations.
  • To provide for their loved ones. Planned gifts can be used to provide for loved ones after a person’s death. They can be used to create trusts that provide income for family members, or they can be used to fund charitable gifts in the names of loved ones.
  • To reduce taxes. Planned gifts can offer significant tax benefits. For example, bequests to charities can qualify for an estate tax deduction.
  • To create a legacy. Planned gifts can be a way to create a lasting legacy. They can be used to name buildings, scholarships, or other programs after the donor.

Here are some specific examples of planned gifts:

  • Bequest. A bequest is a gift that is made through a will or living trust. It is the most common type of planned gift.
  • Charitable remainder trust. A charitable remainder trust is a trust that provides income to the donor or other beneficiaries for a specified period of time. After the specified period of time, the trust assets are distributed to the charity.
  • Charitable gift annuity. A charitable gift annuity is a contract between the donor and a charity. The donor makes a gift to the charity, and in return, the charity agrees to pay the donor a fixed income for life.
  • Life insurance. Life insurance can be used to make a planned gift. The donor can name a charity as the beneficiary of the policy. When the donor dies, the proceeds of the policy will be paid to the charity.

If you are considering making a planned gift, it is important to speak with a financial advisor or a planned giving professional. They can help you to choose the right type of gift for your individual circumstances and to maximize the tax benefits of your gift.

If you are interested in joining Erika’s Lighthouse Legacy Society, please contact or 847.386.6481. Your gift will make a lasting impact on the lives of youth mental health, and you will become part of a community of people who are passionate about making a difference.