Classroom Education

We believe depression education is suicide prevention. Our curriculum gives students the skills they need to practice good mental health, ask for help or assist a friend in need.

Education is vital for students to understand, empathize, and act when they or their friend is experiencing mental distress.

Our programs educate about mental health, depression and suicide.

Level I

We All Have Mental Health

Ideal for grades 4-6

An introduction to mental health with a strong focus on help-seeking and good mental health.

Level II

Depression Awareness

Ideal for grades 5-9

An introduction to depression with a strong focus on help-seeking and good mental health.

Level III

Depression Education & Suicide Awareness

Ideal for grades 8-12

A deeper discussion about depression and suicide along with a focus on help-seeking and good mental health.

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Meeting National Health Education Standards #1, 3 & 7
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Developed with best practices and study-proven results


All programs are available in English and Spanish
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Turn-key & Adaptable

Ready to go, easy to implement and completely customizable
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All Erika’s Lighthouse programs and resources are free – always
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Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Erika’s Lighthouse Programs are listed as a Best Practice Program on the SPRC’s Program Registry

Access Classroom Education Instantly

  • Health Educators, School Counselors, or other mental health staff. Programs are best taught by onsite staff to identify trusted adults
  • Should be implemented in classroom environment
  • As a health education mental health module
  • During SEL lessons
  • Advisory classrooms for schoolwide implementation
  • One, three or four day lessons available
  • Each lesson is 30-50 minutes
  • All programs are video-based
  • Anytime of the year
  • Earlier is better to set a foundation for the school year
Sample Resources

Full lessons & hundreds more on the Resource Portal.

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“Our suicide attempt rate as measured by the YRBS, went down from 14.3% to between 5.4-7.2% since using your videos and the messages from your curriculum!”

Mental Health Coordinator


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“I thoroughly enjoyed sharing this information with them and their teachers and I feel very good about the impact it has had on them. I want to continue conversations with them.”

Elementary Educator


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“Erika’s Lighthouse was embraced sincerely by all youth, faculty and administrators this past year. I am personally very attached to this phenomenal program.”

Prevention Coordinator
