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Before Lady Gaga took the stage for her long-awaited concert at Wrigley Field, the star’s foundation showed support for a Chicago-area nonprofit. NBC 5’s Jen DeSalvo reports.

Access Programs In April, the CDC published a report on youth mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. The statistics are grim. But the survey also offers hope. Teens who feel…

An examination of the mental health impact of COVID-19 and how connectedness to school, family, friends and community groups impact mental health outcomes. Please note: Numbers represent the highlighted annotations…

Our programs can work in any school community. 1. Wraparound ProgrammingWe don’t just offer a standalone curriculum, we believe in impacting the whole school by promoting inclusive school cultures through…

[xyz-ihs snippet=”HubSpot—Access-Free-Programs-Button”] Download the PDF > Abstract The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC, pronounced “wisk”) Model is an ideal framework for school communities to assess, plan and implement…

  Somewhere between 15 and 20 percent of children and teens will suffer from at least one depressive episode before they reach adulthood. These episodes come in many forms—ranging from…

At Erika’s Lighthouse, we understand that discussing depression can be a challenging topic. As an educator or social worker, you are considered a trusted adult to the students who come…

[xyz-ihs snippet=”HubSpot—Access-Free-Programs-Button”] Download the White Paper Abstract Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary, and Resources is the recognized policy for effective district-level engagement for suicide prevention…